Category Archive: Education

Navigating the law relating to Special Educational Needs

Navigating the law relating to Special Educational Needs

Ensuring your child’s educational, health and care needs are met is vitally important, but it can be a challenge. This is especially true when local authorities (LAs) fail to meet statutory deadlines or don’t deliver the Special Educational Provision (SEP) identified in a child’s or young person’s Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). Imelda Brennan,…

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Can a health need give rise to a right of appeal?

No. A parent or young person’s right of appeal is always exercised by challenging the educational aspects of an EHC Plan.  Once the right of appeal has been established it is possible to pursue an extended appeal and to ask the Tribunal to make recommendations regarding the Health and Social Care needs and provision sections…

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SEND Tribunal: The National Trial

The National Trial began on 3rd April 2018 and extended the powers of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal under The Special Educational Needs and Disability (First-tier Tribunal Recommendations Power) Regulations 2017. Previously the Tribunal could only order amendments to Sections B, F and I of a child or young person’s EHCP.  From April…

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Unhappy about the content of your child’s EHC Plan?

It can be a battle to obtain an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) from the Local Authority.   Even when you have obtained an EHCP you may be unhappy with the content of the document such as the description of your child’s needs, the provision to meet them and also the named school.  You may…

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Coronavirus and changes in SEN Legislation

Many parents, carers and support groups were concerned earlier this year when, on 1 May 2020 some aspects of the Law relating to Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessments and EHC Plans changed temporarily to give local authorities, health commissioning bodies, education settings and other bodies who contribute to these processes more flexibility in…

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